Friday, May 22, 2009

All boy

Well, it finally happened. Our first visit the the ER. And surprise, surprise, it was for Ethan. He fractured the top of his foot and now has to spend the first month of summer is a bright orange (what other color would he have chosen?!) cast. He was so good about the entire experience though. He even said "cheese" for the x-rays. Hopefully he will stop being afraid to put weight on his foot and start walking again. His little knees are all raw from crawling everywhere!

Gwen has been the best little helper and big sister! She is very kind to him and always wanting to help him. She makes his bed for me every morning without being asked, fills his cup with milk, gets toys he can't reach and is constantly worried about him.

I was so proud of my little kids! They sat and listened to most of General Conference. Well, Gwen did. Ethan played with toy most the time. The primary presidency gave all the kids a little package to fill out about all the speakers and Gwen filled out every page. She was awesome!

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